President Abbas receives the Jordanian foreign minister carrying a message from King Abdullah

President Mahmoud Abbas received today at the presidential headquarters in Ramallah Jordan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi carrying a message from King Abdullah II.

After the meeting, the head of the Civil Affairs Authority and member of Fatah Central Committee, Hussein al-Sheikh, said that Safadi came carrying a message from King Abdullah II confirming the depth of the historical relationship and coordination at the highest level between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the State of Palestine, and it dealt with the political developments in the region and some issues related to bilateral relations, stressing common historical issues and relations, and continuing coordination at the highest level.

He affirmed the harmony in the positions of the two sides in all files, whether it was the recent political developments in the region or Jordan’s full and firm support for Palestinian political right to establish the state on the June 4, 1967, borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, which constitute a red line for Palestine and Jordan, as well as the King and the Kingdom’s support for the Palestinian elections and the choice of the leadership to continue in the democratic choice, and its request from the international community to facilitate the electoral process and overcome all difficulties in order to achieve it.

The Jordanian Foreign Minister said that today’s meeting comes as a continuation of the contacts and consultation between King Abdullah II and President Mahmoud Abbas, and to deliver a message about the joint efforts Jordan and other countries are undertaking in order to take real steps capable of breaking the deadlock and creating a political horizon that allows for the restoration of serious and effective negotiations to achieve the common and main goal, and the strategic interest of the region and the world, which is reaching a just peace, which can only be achieved if the Palestinian people obtain their full legitimate rights, foremost is their right to an independent and sovereign state with occupied Jerusalem as its capital on the June 4, 1967, borders and according to all agreed terms of reference.

Safadi stressed that there are different circumstances regionally and internationally, especially with the new US administration, and the positive steps it took that require us to interact with it positively and to press towards looking for the next move that must take place.

He stressed the need to find the international action capable of stopping the unilateral Israeli steps that undermine the two-state solution, specifically building and expanding settlements and seizing people’s homes and evicting them from their homes as is the case in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem, which the Kingdom is making efforts in coordination with the brothers and the international community to preserve the right of these people to remain in their homes.

“We have provided all the documents that we have, which can help the Palestinian residents to preserve their full rights,” said Safadi in reference to documents related to ownership of the homes in Sheikh Jarrah.

On the issue of elections, Safadi affirmed that Jordan stands with all its capabilities to help achieve a successful electoral process, stressing that the elections are a necessary and important step taken by the Palestinian leadership, and we are working to remove all obstacles they face.

He reiterated the centrality of the Palestinian issue to Jordan, which was and will remain fundamental, indicating that Jordan will remain the supporter and the closest to the Palestinians in order to fulfill their legitimate rights, saying, “Jerusalem is a red line for Jordan, the king and our people, as it is a red line for the state of Palestine.”

Safadi expressed Jordan’s rejection of all Israeli measures and attempts to change the Arab, Islamic, and Christian identity of occupied Jerusalem, and for any attempt to change the historical status of the holy sites in Jerusalem.

“We will confront any effort that tries to undermine the existing historical and legal status of the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem. Our goal is one and our vision is common. Jordan and Palestine were and will remain the closest to each other, and the Jordanian effort will be focused on supporting the Palestinians and ensuring that they achieve their legitimate rights, especially the right to freedom and the independent state because that is a condition for achieving security, stability and regional peace that we all seek,” said the Jordanian foreign minister.