Ministers AlSheikh and Shoukry and Safadi discuss the latest developments to the Palestinian cause

Fatah Central Committee Member and Head of the General Authority of Civil Affairs, Minister Hussein AlSheikh, met with the Egyptian and Jordanian Foreign Ministers, H.E. Minister Sameh Shoukry and H.E. Minister Ayman Safadi respectively, yesterday Monday, and discussed the latest developments on the Palestinian arena, during a consultative meeting held in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.

Also present were the Heads of the Palestinian, Egyptian and Jordanian General Intelligence Services, Mr. Majid Faraj, Major General Abbas Kamel, and Major General Ahmed Hosni, respectively.

During the tripartite meeting, which comes within the framework of the ongoing coordination between Palestine, Egypt and Jordan, Minister AlSheikh emphasized the Israeli escalation and violations that are practiced daily against the Palestinian people, especially in Jerusalem, as well as the settler crimes committed under the protection of the army of the Occupation in the towns and villages of Nablus, especially in Burqa, Bazaria, Sebastia, Beta and Sila ad Dhahr. AlSheikh stressed that the escalation of organized terrorist operations practiced by settlers, with the support and protection of the Israeli government, came as a result of an official decision targeting the defenseless Palestinian people in order to undermine the pillars of security and stability in the region, considering this escalation as a deliberate Israeli disregard for the decisions taken by the international community.

The tripartite meeting discussed the latest political developments on the Palestinian cause, reiterating the support and need to provide international protection to the Palestinian people. Finally, prominent regional and international developments were discussed, in addition to ways of enhancing the frameworks of joint Arab cooperation, in a manner that aligns with the interests of the three countries and their peoples.

The meeting issued the following final statement:
In the context of keenness to strengthen the strategic relations that bring together the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the State of Palestine, and based on the desire of those countries to intensify the level of continuous coordination between them to unify efforts regarding developments and challenges facing the Palestinian cause, and in implementation of the decisions of the tripartite summit held in Cairo on 2 September 2021.

On Monday, December 27, 2021, Cairo hosted a meeting attended by the Foreign Ministers and Heads of the Intelligence Services of Egypt and Jordan, the Minister of Civil Affairs and the Head of the Intelligence Service of Palestine, to coordinate positions and visions on how to follow up on the outcomes of the tripartite summit that was held in Cairo on September 2, 2021, and discuss the developments in the Palestinian cause in the recent period.

The meeting discussed ways to enhance relations and developments related to the peace process, efforts to consolidate Palestinian unity, and assess the field conditions in the State of Palestine in light of the continuation of illegal measures that negate the chances of achieving a just peace in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, and the consolidation of a comprehensive truce and reconstruction in the Gaza Strip, and finding a political horizon to achieve a just and comprehensive peace on the basis of the two-state solution that embodies the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with occupied East Jerusalem as its capital on the June 4, 1967 lines, in accordance with international law and the Arab Peace Initiative. In this context, a number of proposals aimed at breaking the stalemate in the peace process at the present time were examined.

The Ministers also discussed the communications made by the three countries at the regional and international levels, and discussed ways to activate international frameworks related to the situation in the Palestinian territories and the path of a peaceful settlement.