Al-Sheikh received an American delegation headed by the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs

Today, I received an American delegation headed by the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs at the US State Department, Mrs. Barbara Leaf.

I called on the American delegation to put pressure on the Israeli government to stop all unilateral measures, and to abide by the outcomes of Aqaba and Sharm al-Sheikh, which no longer exist in light of the Israeli disavowal of them. Starting with stopping the Israeli military incursions into the West Bank and the shedding of Palestinian blood. And I added that it is not possible to continue holding the quint conferences if there is no actual and tangible positive development on the ground.

I have also informed them that the Palestinian leadership will hold an important meeting and will take decisions and measures in response to the Israeli decisions and their escalation.

In her turn, Mrs. Barbara expressed the US administration’s concern about the security situation, and talked about the US efforts exerted and the intensive contacts that are being conducted to calm the situation, and called on the two parties to return to the negotiating track and that she will consult with the two parties during her visit.

The meeting was attended by the Palestinian advisor Dr. Majdi Al-Khalidi. And from the US side, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Mr. Andrew Miller.