PLO official requests ICC expedite examination of case files on Israeli crimes

A Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) official today requested the International Criminal Court to expedite the examination of case files on Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people.

PLO Executive Committee Secretary General Hussein al-Sheikh called upon ICC Prosecutor to expedite addressing the case files referred to the Court on the crimes committed by Israeli occupation forces and armed settlers against the Palestinian people in the occupied territories.

“We call on Mr. Karim Khan, the Prosecutor of the #ICC, to expedite the decision on the files referred to the court for the crimes of the occupation and its settlers against the Palestinian people,” al-Sheikh tweeted.

Slamming the systematic policy of procrastination and selectivity when dealing with Israel, al-Sheikh added: “Further procrastination, double standards and stalling in international institutions and subordination to the political will of superpowers are no longer acceptable.”

“The time has come to confront a racist right-wing government that allows everything without international deterrence” he concluded.